葛林戈斯與世界各地許多重要的管弦樂團都合作過,包括皇家利物浦愛樂樂團、BBC交響樂團、柏林德意志交響樂團、聖彼得堡愛樂管弦樂團、洛杉磯愛樂管弦樂團、芝加哥交響樂團、墨爾本交響樂團、NHK 交響樂團、馬勒室內管弦樂團、聖保羅國家交響樂團、以色列愛樂管弦樂團、哈雷管弦樂團,以及西南德廣播公司旗下的兩個樂團。最近重要的合作樂團則包括,班貝格交響樂團、華沙愛樂管弦樂團、BBC蘇格蘭交響樂團、哥本哈根愛樂管弦樂團、伯明罕市立交響樂團,以及新加坡交響樂團。2016/17樂季,他首度與巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團合作,演出李格悌的小提琴協奏曲;也與他過去的老師帕爾曼指揮的以色列愛樂管弦樂團一起巡迴演出。
葛林戈斯與德意志留聲機、BIS唱片及Hyperion錄製的曲目,受到無數樂評肯定。繼之,葛林戈斯致力於留下羅伯特.舒曼室內樂作品的錄音,2010至2011年間與Onyx合作完成了三張CD的錄製。2013/14樂季,許多樂評都給予格林斯哥與Orchid Classics合作錄製的二十四首帕格尼尼無伴奏小提琴隨想曲很高的評價。管弦樂曲方面,2015年與華沙愛樂管弦樂團錄製的米奇斯瓦夫.魏因貝格小提琴協奏曲極為成功,最近更完成了兩個錄製計畫,分別是與布拉格愛樂管弦樂團合作的德弗乍克小提琴協奏曲,以及與哥本哈根愛樂管弦樂團合作的柯恩哥德及亞當斯的小提琴協奏曲(兩者都是由Orchid Classics發行)。
葛林戈斯在聖彼得堡師隨塔提亞娜.里貝洛娃(Tatiana Liberova)以及潔安娜‧瑪塔莉迪(Jeanna Metallidi)學習小提琴和作曲後,在茱莉亞音樂學院師事伊扎克‧帕爾曼。1998年,他獲得帕格尼尼國際小提琴大賽首獎,是該獎歷年來最年輕的得主。
Where we were once content simply to marvel at the pyrotechnics, now, because of Gringolts’ acute sense of timing and close attention to dynamics, we hear the music. (Gramophone)
The Russian violinist Ilya Gringolts wins over audiences with his extremely virtuosic playing and sensitive interpretations, and is always looking for new musical challenges. As a sought-after soloist, he devotes himself to the great orchestral repertoire but also to contemporary and seldom-played works. He has premiered compositions by Peter Maxwell Davies, Augusta Read Thomas, Christophe Bertrand and Michael Jarrell. In addition, he is interested in historical performance practice: most recently he could be seen in a play-conduct role performing Paganini’s Violin Concerto No. 1 in its original key with the Finnish Baroque Orchestra, and was invited as soloist with the Oxford Philharmonia.
Ilya Gringolts has performed with leading orchestras around the world such as the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, BBC Symphony, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony, Melbourne Symphony, NHK Symphony, Mahler Chamber Orchestra, Sao Paulo State Symphony, Israel Philharmonic, Hallé Orchestra and both orchestras of Southwest German Radio. Recent highlights included projects with the Bamberg Symphony, Warsaw Philharmonic, BBC Scottish Symphony, Copenhagen Philharmonic, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Singapore Symphony. In 2016/17, highlights include his debut with the Bavarian Radio Symphony with Ligeti’s Violin Concerto and a tour with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of his former teacher Itzhak Perlman.
He is also the first violinist of the Gringolts Quartet, which he founded in 2008 and which enjoys great success with performances at the Salzburg Festival, Lucerne Festival, Menuhin Festival Gstaad and Teatro La Fenice in Venice, among others. As a keen chamber musician, Ilya Gringolts collaborates with artists such as Yuri Bashmet, David Kadouch, Itamar Golan, Peter Laul, Aleksandar Madzar, Nicolas Altstaedt, Andreas Ottensamer, Antoine Tamestit and Jörg Widmann, and is a regular guest at the festivals in Lucerne, Kuhmo, Verbier, Colmar and Bucharest (Enescu Festival), as well as at Wigmore Hall, the Serate Musicali in Milan and St. Petersburg Philharmonia.
Following numerous critically praised recordings on the Deutsche Grammophon, BIS and Hyperion labels, Ilya Gringolts devoted himself to the chamber music of Robert Schumann from 2010 to 2011, releasing three CDs on Onyx. In 2013/14 his recording of Paganini’s 24 Caprices for solo violin on Orchid Classics received many outstanding reviews, and in the orchestral realm, following his highly successful recording of Mieczysław Weinberg’s Violin Concerto with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra in 2015, most recently two new recordings have been released: Dvorak’s violin concerto with Prague Philharmonia for Deutsche Grammophon, and the concertos by Korngold and Adams with Copenhagen Philharmonic (Orchid Classics).
After studying violin and composition in St. Petersburg with Tatiana Liberova and Jeanna Metallidi, he attended the Juilliard School of Music where he studied with Itzhak Perlman. In 1998 he won the International Violin Competition Premio Paganini, as the youngest first prize winner in the history of the competition.
As well as his position as violin professor at the Zurich Academy of the Arts, he is also a Violin International Fellow at the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow. Ilya Gringolts plays a Giuseppe Guarneri "del Gesù" violin, Cremona 1742-43, on loan from a private collection.