
次女高音/雷娜塔.波庫比奇 Renata Pokupić

克羅埃西亞的女中音-雷娜塔.波庫比奇以她充滿吸引力並生動又富有情感的巴洛克風詮釋方式,以及古典和花腔的表演曲目;受到許多一流歌劇院和管弦樂團的讚賞與愛戴。 雷娜塔無疑是2015-16樂季的一大亮點。在法蘭德斯歌劇院演出莫札特的歌劇《伊多梅尼》擔任伊達曼特一角,與蘇格蘭室內管弦樂團合作歌劇《狄奧多拉》擔任艾琳一角,與古代音樂學院合作《波佩亞的加冕》擔任尼祿一角,與納許合奏團在倫敦威格摩爾音樂廳演出義大利曲目,與島嶼管弦樂團合作巴哈的《聖母讚主曲》,以及和皇家蘇格蘭國家管弦樂團合作貝多芬的《第九號交響曲》。接下來,雷娜塔.波庫比奇將會與鋼琴家羅傑.威格諾斯在多瑙河音樂節合作獨唱。 近期的歌劇演出,包含有《費加洛婚禮》裡的凱魯比諾,《浮士德》裡的席貝爾以及在英國柯文特花園的倫敦皇家歌劇院演出《塔梅藍諾》的艾琳一角。雷娜塔.波庫比奇亦在法國的里爾歌劇院的《仙杜拉》擔任主角,在華盛頓國家歌劇院演出《女人皆如此》裡的朵拉貝拉,在比利時的安特衛普、在法國里爾、在法國第戎以及法國伯恩丘都演出過《阿格麗皮娜》裡的尼祿一角。她也在華盛頓國家歌劇院、法蘭德斯歌劇院、里斯本的高秉根樂團、洛杉磯歌劇院都參與演出《費加洛婚禮》;她亦在明尼蘇達樂廳的《玫瑰騎士》一劇擔任奧克塔文伯爵一角,在法蘭克福歌劇院演出《奧蘭多的狂怒》的布拉達曼特一角,在芝加哥歌劇院及里昂歌劇院皆演出過<狄托的仁慈》,前為塞斯托一角、在里昂則是演出安尼奧一角。在格蘭奇公園歌劇院則擔任了義大利作曲家卡伏利所寫的《Eliogabalo》中的主角。 雷娜塔.波庫比奇也受邀到全球各地的許多舞臺上,近期她在澳洲首次亮相與墨爾本交響樂團合作演出《浮士德的天譴》中瑪格麗特一角,也與卑爾根愛樂樂團演出白遼士的另一作品《羅密歐與茱麗葉》,與比利時的Collegium Vocale Gent樂團和柏林德意志交響樂團演出德孚札克的《聖母悼歌》。與巴黎管弦樂團及香榭麗舍管弦樂團演出舒伯特降E調的《彌撒》,與Hofkapelle Esterházy演出海頓的《Scena di Berenice》,在德國哥廷根的韓德爾音樂節演出韓德爾的<約書亞>一劇。與蘇格蘭室內管弦樂團合作《羅西尼/雷斯畢基詠嘆》,在奧地利薩爾斯堡與創和聲之環古樂團演出安弗西的《路西奧.錫拉》一劇中賽西奧一角。與巴黎管弦樂團演出布魯克納的《F小調彌撒》,與巴哈合唱團演出《聖馬太受難曲》,與古代音樂學院演出《Imeneo》一劇並與啟蒙時代管弦樂團共同巡演《向洛林.亨特利.伯森致敬》。 之前雷娜塔.波庫比奇也在聖但尼音樂節演出《懺悔者大衛》,與荷蘭鹿特丹愛樂樂團共同演出《聖馬太受難曲》。她也與巴黎室內管弦樂團演出海頓的《Paukenmesse》、莫札特的《加冕彌撒》以及海頓的《聖母悼歌》。在BBC逍遙音樂會演出莫札特的《安魂曲》,並在Le Concert d’Astrée的十週年紀念音樂會亮相。 在之前的樂季,蕾娜塔.波庫匹茲也與馬修古樂團在馬德里演出《奧蘭多的狂怒》中Alcina一角,與波昂的貝多芬交響樂團演出貝多芬的《第九號交響曲》。與伯明翰城市交響樂團演出馬勒的《第二號交響曲》,與蘇格蘭室內管弦樂團合作《Pulcinella》。與北方交響樂團演出海頓的《創世紀》,與倫敦愛樂樂團演出《以利亞》,與馬修古樂團演出巴哈的《聖誕神曲》;也與Les Talens Lyriques合作裴高雷西的《聖母悼歌》。她亦與許多首屈一指的指揮合作如: 庫特.馬祖爾、大也和士、長野健、梅茲馬赫、亞尼克.內傑.瑟昆、路易.朗格莱、法比歐‧畢昂迪、 約翰.艾略特‧加德納、威廉.克利斯帝、保羅.麥克里希、羅耶爾、艾曼紐.哈伊姆、胡賽、利茲、尚-克里斯多弗.史賓諾西、勞倫斯.卡明斯以及克莉絲汀.柯林。 作為一個十分成功的音樂家,雷娜塔.波庫比奇長期與聞名國際的鋼琴家羅傑.威格諾斯合作。他們一起在倫敦威格摩爾音樂廳、紐約弗里克收藏館、多瑙河音樂節、杜布羅夫尼克夏日音樂節、巴斯莫札特音樂節、代爾夫特室內音樂節以及在北愛爾蘭的唐帕特里克音樂廳都有合作演出。兩人近期的合作計畫,包含了馬勒、托馬謝克、布拉姆斯、布里頓、舒曼和佛瑞的曲子。並且他們最近也為海波唱片發行了一張托馬謝克的專輯。 Renata Pokupić Mezzo Soprano Croatian mezzo-soprano Renata Pokupić is praised for her engaging and expressive interpretation of baroque, classical and coloratura repertoire, and is much sought after by major opera houses and orchestras. Highlights of the 2015-16 season include Idamante in Mozart Idomeneo for Opera Vlaanderen, Irene Theodora with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Nerone L’incoronazione di Poppea with the Academy of Ancient Music, an Italian programme with Nash Ensemble at Wigmore Hall, CPE Bach’s Magnificat with the Insula Orchestra, and Beethoven Symphony No.9 with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. Pokupić will also join Roger Vignoles for a recital at the Danube Festival. Recent operatic engagements include Cherubino Le nozze di Figaro, Siebel Faust and Irene Tamerlano at Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, title role Cendrillon for Opéra de Lille, Dorabella Così fan tutte for Washington National Opera, and Nerone Agrippina in Antwerp, Lille, Dijon and Beaune. She has also sung Cherubino for Washington National Opera, Opera Vlaanderen, Gulbenkian Lisbon, and Los Angeles Opera; Octavian Der Rosenkavalier for Minnesota Orchestra, Bradamante Orlando Furioso for Oper Frankfurt, Sesto La clemenza di Tito for Chicago Opera Theater, Annio La clemenza di Tito for Opéra de Lyon and the title role in Cavalli Eliogabalo at Grange Park Opera. Much in demand on the concert platform, she recently made her Australian debut as Marguerite La damnation de Faust with Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, sang Berlioz Roméo et Juliette with the Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra and Dvorak Stabat Mater with Collegium Vocale Gent as well as DSO Berlin. She has also sung Schubert Mass in E flat with Orchestre de Paris and Orchestre des Champs-Elysées, Haydn Scena di Berenice with Hofkapelle Esterházy, Handel Joshua with Handel Festival Göttingen,Rossini and Respighi arias with Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Cecilio in Anfossi’s Lucio Silla at Mozarteum Salzburg with Le Cercle de l’Harmonie, Bruckner Mass in F minor with Orchestre de Paris, St Matthew Passion with the Bach Choir, Tirinto Imeneo with the Academy of Ancient Music and an extensive tour of ‘Tribute to Lorraine Hunt Lieberson’ with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. Previously she sang Davide Penitente at Festival de Saint-Denis, St Matthew Passion with Rotterdam Philharmonic, Haydn Paukenmesse, Mozart Coronation Mass and Haydn Stabat Mater with the Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Mozart Requiem at the BBC Proms, and appeared in Le Concert d’Astrée’s 10th anniversary concert. In previous seasons she has also sung Alcina Orlando Furioso with Ensemble Matheus in Madrid,Beethoven Symphony No.9 with Orchester Beethoven Bonn, Mahler Symphony No.2 with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Pulcinella with the Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg, Mozart and Rossini arias with the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Haydn The Creation with Northern Sinfonia, Angel Elijah with the London Philharmonic Orchestra, Bach Christmas Oratorio with Ensemble Matheus, and Pergolesi Stabat Mater with Les Talens Lyriques. She works with such leading conductors as Kurt Masur, Kazushi Ono, Kent Nagano, Ingo Metzmacher, Yannick Nézet-Séguin, Louis Langreé, Fabio Biondi, John Eliot Gardiner, William Christie, Paul McCreesh, Jérémie Rhorer, Emmauelle Haïm, Christophe Rousset, Carlo Rizzi, Jean-Christoph Spinosi, Laurence Cummings and Christian Curnyn. An accomplished recitalist, Pokupić works regularly with the internationally acclaimed Roger Vignoles. They have appeared together at the Wigmore Hall, The Frick Collection New York, Danube Festival, Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Petworth Festival,Bath Mozartfest, Delft Chamber Festival, and the Great Hall in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland. Their recent programmes have included works by Mahler, Tomášek, Brahms,Britten, Schumann and Faure. They also have also recently released an album of songs by Václav Tomášek for Hyperion Records.