鮑里斯.貝爾金六歲習琴,七歲時在孔德拉辛指揮下首次公開演出;早年就讀莫斯科音樂學院中央音樂學校,師隨殷科以維茲(Yankeievitz)、葛利札羅巴(Maya Glezarova),與安卓夫斯基(Felix Andrievsky)等教授,在學生時期,他便已以獨奏家的身分與蘇聯各國首屈一指的樂團合作,於蘇聯各處巡迴演出,更在1973年贏得蘇聯國家小提琴大賽首獎(Soviet Union’s National Competition for Violinists)。
1974年,貝爾金移居西方後活躍於國際樂壇,從此定期與指揮家伯恩斯坦、阿胥肯納吉、祖賓.梅塔、馬捷爾、慕提、小澤征爾、庫爾特.桑德霖 、泰密卡諾夫、杜南伊、杜特華、賽門.拉圖、海汀克與柯岡等指揮家合作。貝爾金與許多世界頂尖的樂團合作,包括波士頓交響樂團、克里夫蘭管弦樂團、柏林愛樂、以色列愛樂、洛杉磯愛樂、費城管弦樂團、匹茲堡交響樂團、蒙特婁交響樂團、巴伐利亞廣播交響樂團、阿姆斯特丹皇家音樂會堂管弦樂團以及英國各大樂團。
自從貝爾金在1997年獲小提琴大師史坦(Isaac Stern)邀請,於米亞札奇音樂節(Miyazaki Festival)中共同演出後,便時常回到該音樂節演奏。他也與中提琴家巴許密特(Yuri Bashmet)、大提琴家麥斯基(Mischa Maisky)、 鋼琴家普魯德馬謝爾(Georges Pludermacher)等獨奏家合作演出室內樂。2011年,貝爾金與泰密卡諾夫(Yuri Temirkanov)以及聖彼得堡愛樂管弦樂團在莫斯科舉行的第一屆羅斯托波維奇音樂節中演出。在2012至2013年間他與泰密卡諾夫所領導的聖彼得堡愛樂管弦樂團於巴黎、莫斯科以及西班牙等地進行數場演出,也與莫斯科愛樂管弦樂團於西班牙與南美洲各地巡迴演奏。
貝爾金廣受各方盛譽的首張錄音,是與祖賓.梅塔以及以色列愛樂合作演出的帕格尼尼第一號協奏曲。他為Decca錄製的其它專輯包括了與指揮家阿胥肯納吉及愛樂管弦樂團合作演出的柴科夫斯基以及西貝流士的協奏曲、與指揮家阿胥肯納吉及柏林廣播樂團合作演出的理查.史特勞斯的協奏曲、與孔德拉辛及巴夏帶領的倫敦愛樂合作的普羅科菲夫第一及第二號協奏曲、及與費雪的倫敦交響樂團共同演出的布拉姆斯協奏曲。他也為Denon錄製了包含與名指揮家麥克爾.史坦及蘇黎世音樂廳管弦樂團合作演奏的兩首普羅科菲夫協奏曲、與日本知名指揮家廣上淳一(Junichi Hirokami)以及皇家愛樂共同演奏的西貝流士、布魯赫、葛拉祖諾夫的協奏曲,以及蕭士塔科維契的第一號協奏曲、與麥克爾.史坦帶領的倫敦愛樂合作的柴科夫斯基協奏曲、與薩爾茲堡獨奏家室內樂團協同演奏的莫札特A大調協奏曲及交響協奏曲,K. 219、還有與法國國寶級鋼琴家米謝.達貝多(Michel Dalberto)共同演奏的布拉姆斯奏鳴曲。
自1985年起,貝爾金便於義大利西恩那著名的音樂節(Accademia Chigiana)開設大師班授課。
Boris Belkin began studying the violin at the age of six and made his first public appearance when he was seven with the great conductor Kyrill Kondrashin. He studied first at the Central Music School of the Moscow Conservatory with Professors Yankeievitz, Glezarova and Andrievsky, very quickly playing as a soloist all over the Soviet Union with its leading national orchestras whilst he was a student, and in 1973 won first prize in the Soviet Union’s National Competition for Violinists.
Boris Belkin played in Moscow at the inaugural 1st Rostropovich Festival in 2011 with Temirkanov and the St Petersburg Philharmonic Orchestra. He emigrated to the west in 1974 and since regularly worked with conductors like Bernstein, Ashkenazy, Mehta, Maazel, Muti, Ozawa, Kurt Sanderling, Temirkanov, Dohnányi, Dutoit, Gelmetti, Herbig, Tennstedt, Rattle, Haitink, Berglund, Mata, Chung, Hirokami, Fedoseyev, Ahronovitch, Welser-Most, Lazalev, Simonov, Gelmetti and Kogan, alongside many others, performing with the world’s leading orchestras including the Boston Symphony, Cleveland, Berlin Philharmonic, Israel Philharmonic, Los Angeles Philharmonic, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh Symphony, Montreal Symphony, Bayerischer Rundfunk, Royal Concertgebouw and the major British Orchestras. Boris Belkin has regularly returned to the Miyazaki Festival since he was first asked by Isaac Stern to perform with him at it in 1997 and he plays chamber music with artists such as Yuri Bashmet, Mischa Maisky, Georges Pludermacher, and many others. Season ‘12/13 includes several concerts in Paris, Moscow and Spain with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic and Yuri Temirkanov, and tours to South America and Spain with the Moscow Philharmonic.
Boris Belkin has featured in several television productions which include a film on Jean Sibelius (performing the Concerto with the Swedish Radio Orchestra and Vladimir Ashkenazy), with Leonard Bernstein and the New York Philharmonic playing the Tchaikovsky Concerto, with Bernstein and the Orchestra National de France playing Ravel's Tzigane and with Bernard Haitink and the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra in Mozart and Paganini’s Concerto No.1.
Boris Belkin’s first recording, Paganini’s 1st Violin Concerto, was with the Israel Philharmonic and Zubin Mehta and was extremely highly praised. His other discs for Decca include the Tchaikovsky’s and Sibelius’ Concertos with The Philharmonia and Ashkenazy, Richard Strauss’s Concerto with Berlin Radio and Ashkenazy, Prokofiev’s Concertos No.1 and No.2 with the London Philharmonic under Kondrashin and Barshai and the Brahms’ Concerto with the LSO and Fischer. For Denon he has recorded the Prokofiev’s Concertos with the Zurich Tonhalle and Michael Stern, the concertos by Sibelius, Bruch and Glazunov plus Shostakovich’s 1st Concerto with the Royal Philharmonic and Junichi Hirokami, Tchaikovsky’s Concerto with the London Philharmonic conducted by Michael Stern, Mozart’s Concerto in A major K. 219 and Sinfonia Concertante with the Salzburg Chamber Soloists and Brahms’ Sonatas with Michel Dalberto.
Boris Belkin has held master classes in Siena, Italy, at the famed Accademia Chigiana, since 1985.